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Genoa in December 2023

The seafront in Nervi:

The benches have movable backrests. I haven’t seen this anywhere other than Genoa:

The sea:

Nice wooden door:

A park:

Neon pharmacy name:

A layout:

A Christmas boat:

Prices written on clay:

Fluorescent lights

Fluorescent lights and LEDs go against natural rhythms:

This leads to hormone imbalances and dead mitochondria. Fluorescent lights even induce needless urination.

I haven’t used artificial lighting at home for nearly two years now. The next step is to boycott fluorescent entirely.

Sinners and tax collectors

Mark 2:16–17:

When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him [Jesus] eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Based Jesus. Taxation is evil.

Nice tramway map, December 2023

Today I’m releasing the biggest update yet to my Nice tramway map:

It now shows a railway line which was recently integrated into the urban fare zone. The line is thinner because of its longer intervals.

Line 2 no longer has a callout box! It has an extra indication in its middle. CADAM station is now in a geographically correct position.

Nearly all line 1 station names now face right, and are therefore easier to read. The map is now using my default typeface, Atkinson Hyperlegible.

Ground interchanges are now indicated more clearly.

I simplified the colors a bit, too. Line 2 and the sea’s name now use the coat of arms’ blue, while parks and gardens use line 3’s green.

The map is still the same size. High information density FTW!

The EU superstate

Tomorrow, European Parliament members will vote on whether they want to turn the EU into a centralised superstate.

Hardly anybody knows about this. dEmOcRaCy at its finest.

The blood must flow

A part cannot heal itself if it does not have enough blood flow.

Arterial supremacy.

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