Summary of “Exceptional service, exceptional profit”
A customer is worth his lifetime.
Lead people to the place they’re looking for, don‘t just give directions.
Reset customer expectations you can’t meet, even if they seem obvious.
Adjust your service to fit the customer best, but without intrusion into privacy.
Note at least five things unique about the customer, whether preferences or complaints.
When there’s a problem, apologise, review the complaint with the customer, fix and follow up, document the problem in detail to make sure it never happens again.
Make processes as efficient as possible.
Keep the hiring bar high: a bad employee may cause others to quit.
The speed of a group is the slowest one’s.
Make everything feel seamless: if there’s a problem you know you can solve, it should seem like it never happened.
Make the customer feel special.
Use the Italian mama method: even if your customer does something wrong, cheer them up and make them feel no less welcome.