A better abbreviation for sine & cosine
For some weird reason the abbreviation for sine is sin and cos for cosine. This is madness compared to the beautiful and logical abbreviation for tangent and cotangent: tg and ctg respectively.
My proposal:
sine | si |
cosine | csi |
tangent | tg |
cotangent | ctg |
Quite obviously, I submitted them to my local ISO representative for review.
The abbreviation of tangent is actually tan, and for cotangent it is usually cot. SI is the acronym for the International System, this may cause some confusion.
Thank you! The textbooks that I use use tg & ctg, but my calculator tan, so I see that there isn’t yet an agreed on abbreviation.
I’m pretty sure there won’t be any confusion between the International System and sines, but sn & csn would also be great abbreviations.