
On October 26, 2024, I was in Naples to speak at Linux Day 2024. I also had a few hours to see the city.

It is a place unlike any other in Italy; it’s a semi-anarchic country of its own. “Math diplomas in 3 minutes, only in Naples” is an advert I saw there. Free entrepreneurship runs wild.

Folks don’t follow the rules of the road at all. Everyone must pay attention to not be hit by a car or motorbike.

Yet, thank god Italian legislation isn’t fully enforced there; Naples’ ways are the cultural heritage that gives the place its special vibes.

I visited a (legit) clothing store, which however didn’t have any price tags. I negotiated a discount on an “already discounted price” (yeah, right), only to have the clerk ask me to pay the original price at the checkout. I reminded him about the negotiated discount, to have him reply “just kidding”. I would have stormed out of the store if this was not Naples.

Neapolitans also really care about their soccer team. One could even say they are religiously devoted to it.

Oh, and they speak in their own tongue; not in Italian.

Naples is Italy’s meme city.

I love the country more than ever after having been to Naples.

Italy is so beautifully diverse: Genoa, Venice, Florence, and Naples are four key cities to see here.