My Telegram posts during 2020’s week 22
Tuesday, May 26
Leap years are indeed worse than regular years: there’s an extra day for bad events to happen.
Interesting clock you have, Ros Atkins:
I never understood this sort of infographic. If it’s impossible to compare differently-colored areas to each other, what’s the point of the whole thing?
Friday, May 29
Just updated my post about train door buttons with better photos and a mention of the pandemic.
I hate topiary.
Saturday, May 30
In January, I wrote the following:
As much as airlines want to make money, humans will continue being humans and change seats with each other. This is, of course, splendid.
Well, I’m afraid this won’t be true for the next few years.
One of the best things about watching movies at home is being able to pause it and think about what’s going on.
The words month and Moon share a common root because a month is a period related to the Moon’s motion.