Remes, Italy

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Pigna Library website v1.1

The Pigna Library happens to host events. There is a dedicated events block to get the readers to know about them

Robert’s summer days in Italy, 2019

I’m going to be in Genoa from June 27 to June 28, and perhaps a couple of other days in July

Website for Pigna Library

I started talking with the library’s director, Freddy Colt, in July. In August we agreed that I’d be a volunteer and help the library with some stuff...

It’s not San Remo, but Sanremo

The city where I live during the summer is called Sanremo. The name originated from the local dialect, where the name of the area’s patron, saint Romulus

“Events in the Riviera” website

I started working on this project in July, when I saw ugly event posters being put up around Sanremo