London in May 2023
First of all, the euphoric smell is still there. I didn’t find it as common as in 2020 and before, but it does come from the Tube and it also came from a bus. May it stay.
A beautiful window:
A beautiful lantern:
Other address lettering:
Soviet architecture:
A traffic light:
An outdoor table:
A mighty entryway:
A lovely face:
Trees and bricks:
A brick wall:
The London Fire Brigade’s coat of arms reminds me of the Kiribati flag 🇰🇮:
A gallery:
A patriotic flag display:
An ice cream van:
A charming car:
A square:
The London Eye:
Big Sister is watching:
A pharmacy swastika:
Wokeness at the Wellcome Collection:
My message:
The first words of one of my favorite poëms, Leisure, on a sticker:
Other city details:
Unlike Italy, there is a lot of Asian and Indian cuisine in London. Its spicy aromas are a delight.
Packaging at the supermarket:
Drinking from a coconut:
A water bottle:
Swedenborg’s Rules of Tremulation:
It’s a shame Selfridges doesn’t sell fridges.