
Gigi d’Agostino

“L’Amour Toujours” is a powerful song


Mass sadism

Be mighty

Let’s shift the 2024 timeline from Year of Chaos to Year of Might

The EU superstate

Tomorrow, European Parliament members will vote on whether they want to turn the EU into a centralised superstate

Everything is possible

It comes down to desire

At what cost?

I too want to reach certain objectives, but not at all costs

Easy recall

It took 15 rounds of voting to elect Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, but just a few hours to throw him out

Every hardship is a test

The universe sends us hardships to see how we will reäct to them and whether we will reäct at all

The Roman Empire

I do indeed think about the Roman Empire every day


A way to create internal friction so folk don’t unite against the state

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