Political issues exist because of the immoral use of force
Medicine must be mindful & not dogmatic, free to be exercised with the patient’s interest and informed consent...
I may not like my country’s regime, but I will not fight it with help from abroad—foreign entities have their own dirty interests
There is nothing inherently evil about 15-minute neighborhoods and cities. It only makes sense to reduce the time it takes to get from one place to another
The World Health Organisation has overdosed the world with misinformation, inevitably leading to many no longer taking its warnings seriously
Vaccines are supposed to give a person immunity without causing illness. Any serious side-effects experienced at a large level make them pointless
There’s nothing inherently bad about green passes. But problems arise when they are mandated
Being loyal does not mean being a wishy-washy kiss-ass
Death penalty as a punishment is unacceptable. Death is bad whether it’s Stalin’s or Einstein’s: a corpse can’t acknowledge own mistakes and become better
Lying is being loyal to the person who told one to lie, but not to the person one’s lying to