🇺🇸 United States of America

2025, the number

2025 is the first perfect square number year since 1936

The Vance–Walz debate in one image

Why is “nucular” Walz friends with school shooters?

Talking to ChatGPT Kamala

Oh, you know, when we talk about peace in the world, we have to understand that peace is important for the world, and when we have peace, the world can be peaceful

Sirian craft sighting

Flying from Nice to Riga, I saw the following out of my window

Candidates for Twitter CEO

Mr. Beast, Patrick Bet-David, Snoop Dogg, Lex Fridman...

Mainstream media lies about Ukraine

I’m worried that the mainstream media peddling lies about Ukraine will lead to more loss of life and freedom

Covid vaccines

Vaccines are supposed to give a person immunity without causing illness. Any serious side-effects experienced at a large level make them pointless

Good causes and cults

I might get slapped in the face for this. But telling the truth will make the world a better place, which is more important