Tag: freedom

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I work no matter what, because that’s what we, men, are supposed to do. In fact, we need to work even more—for the wellbeing of future generations

Ethical science

Medicine must be mindful & not dogmatic, free to be exercised with the patient’s interest and informed consent...

Save Europe

We must save Europe

Legislation-resistant technologies

Technologies should be built in ways that make tyrannical laws impossible to enforce

Mainstream media lies about Ukraine

I’m worried that the mainstream media peddling lies about Ukraine will lead to more loss of life and freedom


War is massive organised murder that drastically expands government power and extinguishes freedom

Called the EU about chatcontrol

Chatcontrol is unacceptable. That is why I began calling EU officials

2021 → 2022

It’s about to be 2022. Whatever. We should not change our actions just because of an arbitrary new beginning

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